I've got a bunch of stuff coming up, all revolving around the
Stumptown Comics Fest, which will be on April 18
th and 19
th from 10am-6pm at the Lloyd Center
Doubletree, here in Portland, Oregon. I'll be selling my work at Table #70 all weekend. I'm also going to talking on a panel from 2:00-@:245 on Saturday the 18
th. It's called Art and the Small business, and I'll be talking along side Dylan Williams, publisher of
Sparkplug Comics and Jason
Leivian, owner of Floating World Comics.
The night before all that (Friday 17
th 7-11pm) there will be a comics party at
Guapo Comics and Coffee on 6350 SE Foster Road! I've contributed a couple of pieces to the Space themed art show hanging there now (see above picture) The Party will be a book release for 6 or 7 new publications including Bird Hurdler, a free comic that I contributed a 6 page story too. There's also going to be readings from some great cartoonists and beer from
Mactarnahan's brewing. It's going to be a fun night!